Construction Management and Design of Industrial Concrete and Steel Structures _ Mohamed A. El-Reedy
Construction Management and Design of Industrial Concrete and Steel Structures _ Mohamed A. El-Reedy
Analysis and Design of Steel and Composite Structures _ Liang, Qing Quan
Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures_ Using Externally-Bonded FRP Composites in Structural and Civil Engineering _ Len C. Hollaway, Mike B. Leeming
Seismic behavior of reinforced concrete structures_ Test on cast-in-situ prototype_L.Ferrara, P.Negro
Fiber-Reinforced Polymer_ Reinforcement for Concrete Structures-World Scientific Pub Co Inc (2003) _ Kiang Hwee Tan
Design of steel structures_Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Design of welded steel structures _ principles and practice_ Ghosh, Utpal K
Design of liquid retaining concrete structures_Whittles Publishing_Forth, J. P._ Martin, A. J
David A.Hensher and L. Anselin (Auth.)-Fiber-Reinforced-Plastic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures. Properties and Applications-Elsevier Science Ltd -1993